WZZL Paducah
Climbs from #9 to #3
In 2016, WZZL Paducah, Kentucky ranked 9th persons 12+. The station switched between several versions of “Rock” including Active Rock and Modern Rock. The station played lots of currents, many exclusive to just that station. It was targeted too young, too “hard” and was too unfamiliar sounding.

Company: WZZL – A Withers Broadcasting Companies Station
Location: Paducah, Kentucky
Client Since: 2016
Withers Broadcasting Companies partnered with Radio Consulting Services in 2016. Competitive Market Analysis, Monitors and Online Music Research were conducted, followed by an Action Plan for the station to move to Mainstream Rock. WZZL quickly improved its position from 9th to 3rd persons 12+.
2016: Performed Competitive Analysis to find the best strategic position
2016: Conducted Online Music Research
2016: A new Mainstream Rock format was created and launched
2016: Positioning updated to “106.7 WZZL, Everything That Rocks”
2016: Station voice updated simultaneously with evolved music changes
2017: A new logo was created; updated website, station vehicle, etc.
2017: Station becomes promotionally active; marketing included TV campaign
2017: WZZL hits #6 Persons 12+, revenue increases
2018: WZZL is #3 Persons 12+, Adults 18-34, 18-44, 18-49, 25-54 #1 Men 25-54
2019: WZZL maintains #3 ratings status
Source: Eastlan Ratings 2015-2020
“After working with Jon at Radio Consulting Services I would highly recommend him and his team! From the start I knew we had hired someone I could trust to make things happen. They hit the ground running. There was no question Jon and the Radio Consulting Services team would do everything they promised. Producing results for WZZL.”
– Rick Lambert, (Former) COO Withers Broadcasting Companies